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Training Scheme

    A. Craftsmen Training Scheme
    The craftsmen training scheme was introduced by the Govt.of India in 19850to ensure study flow of skilled worker in different trades for the domestics Industry, to raise quantitatively and qualitatively. The Industrial Production by systematic training, to reduce un-employment among the educated youth by providing them employable training to cultivate & nurture a Technical & Industrial attitude in the minds of the younger generation. The scheme, the most important in the field of vocational training, has been shaping craftsmen to meet the existing as well as future  man power need ,through the vast network of I.T.I’S in the various States /Union territories in the country .The day-to-day administration with effect from the year 1986.

    The objects of the scheme are :
    (1) To ensure study flow of skilled workers in different trades for the Industry.

    (2) To raise the quality & quantity of Industrial Production by systemic training of workers, and

    (3) To reduce un-employment among the educated youth by equipping them for suitable industrial employment.

    B. National Councilfor Vocational Training (N.C.V.T.) :
     With a view to ensure and maintain uniformity in the standers in the standards of training all over the country, the National Council for Vocational training (NCVT),an advisory body, was set up by the Govt. of India in the years 1956. The Council has been entrusted with the responsibility of prescribing standards and curricula for craftsmen Training, advising the Govt.of India on the overall policy and programmers, conducting All India Trades Tests (AITT) in the month of July every year and awarding National Trade Certificates. The National council is chaired by the Ministry of lab our , with members representing  central and State Govt. departments ,employers and workers organization, professional and Learned body, All India council for Technical Education (A.I.C.T.E) etc. The headquarters of council is in New Delhi.

    C. Validity of Certificate Issued by (N.C.V.T) :-
    The ministry of labor is concerned with the recognition of technical and professional qualifications at the level of craftsmen for recruitment to the posts and service under the Govt. of India for which a Diploma/Certificate in Craftsmanship or a National Trade Certificate is prescribed as the requisite qualification. Accordingly diplomas and certificate issued by different authorities at the level of craftsmen should be recognized by that ministry. The Directorate of General of Employment and Training in the Ministry of labor, Employment and Rehabilitation has a number of training schemes which cover a number of Engineering and non-Engineering trades for the purpose of imparting Training at the level of craftsmen. The Industrial Training Institutes/Centers which are functioning under the Craftsmen Training scheme of the Directorate general of Employment and Training conduct courses in 38 Engineering trades and 27 Non-engineering trades and training is imparted according to the standards recommended by the National Council for Vocational Training. National trade Certificates which are issued to the trainees by the National Council for Vocational training after an All India Trade Test are recognized by this ministry for employment to the post and services under the Govt. of India as stated above.

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